Friday, February 29, 2008

sooling sacrificed to take with her. huizhen!

huizhen's left side!
want to know exactly why she became like this? BECOS, she called my name and i turned to her and she replied call for shuang. thats y she became like this.
know the power of my family liao bah? except sooling, who's not in the game. hahaha

yuewan's m&ms finished up by me.

no more beef sweets.. );

charine... can u stop grabbing me?

who is this?? where is her face???? oh my,

who is tis ar? what are u laughing at? say things abt me then say to my face mah. what school are u from? im going to complain!
* these sentences from a woman. not those in the picture. --'


thrown discus today.
got 2nd.
actually can get 1st.
well.. long story.
went back to rp with joanne for bbt and went back to sch after the discus event.
everyone's late for the trg. except joanne and me. =D

mr lim even wished sooling and jolene happy birthday during morning assembly!
failed my geog test. RARRRRRR. cant believed i got that kind of marks.
tmr's english composition and chemistry mock exam.
no confident in these 2 at all.

a cute mr orang u-tan gu gu is coming out in 6 mths time! =D

Thursday, February 28, 2008

yesterday's shot put.
netballers didn managed to own the top3. ....
i was like... sian by 3/4.

got back my composition on heroes!
got 14/30. -.-' all due to my tenses.
mrs singh commented ,
right format-keep it up.
personal recount- use past tense
* major error. would have easily achieved 18-19 marks if the grammar was correct.

well. i will do my best during the mock exams. =D
i cant efford to fail lahhhhhhhhh.
tmr 's gotta be a longgg day.
after school, followed by a sports heats.
followed by a training.
tmr's matrix test. hope i will do well on it. (:

mrs tan said that we can go for the trials!
surprised to hear the immediate reply from her.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

owe mrs singh a composition.
supposed to hand in today!=x
i didn do finish. so i didn hand in. =D
i feel that my right arm's muscle is bigger than my left's. i feel a bit weird to have unbalance muscle leii.
trg today.
i threw weird weird loops.
and even mrs tan realised i do a shoulder pass from.... my waist. -.-'
buy newspaper and went home. (:

the hatred had makes me mad. TILL UP SIDE DOWN!
thanks grandson for the cookies! (:
crt postponed again. =D

Monday, February 25, 2008

woke up at 1130 yesterday.
cooked instant noodles for lunch.
and went to limei's hse for tuition!
its chemistry!
as usual, minhui have to go home and vomit blood after finish teaching me.
got a new phone. a phone from china.
its reallll gd. but the thing i dun like is that it dun have a dictionary english! which made me type hyper slow! its touch screen.
the screen is super big!

that person made me angry over and over again.
that person shall one day or MAYBE tmr,
walk across the road

banged down by a car
and dieeeeeeeeee.
when its that person's funeral,
i will celebrate and open a party!
i cursee
i curseee
i curse curse curseeeee.
may that person ______ down __ _ ___.

YOULING went to school today.
im surprised that i passed my P.lit and chinese compo!
especially P.lit. i thought i will fail. to my surprise, i got 16/25! * i always got around 12-14.
doggy didn come to school today.
done discus and shot put for the whole pe lesson. my right arm muscle is abit ache now.
so damn weird lor. everyone's playing rugby while i was throwing discus and shot put.
many things happened today.
too lazy to talk about it. =x
curry zazzle-ed with joanne. we were so sian. that waiter didn give us the receipt! we waited for 1hr to see if he remembers. but he dun remember.
so i end up had to ask from a waitress.
shopped around cp.
we are like... so damn bored lah.
i think mths later, we wont have to time to walk around like tis anymore.
119-ed home.
and walked back to sch instead.
to see the junior's trg.
once again. not a single soul in my hse.

P.S: i love my grandson! =D

Saturday, February 23, 2008

woke up early this morning just for the flag day.
so damn sian lahhhhh
my class's is supposed to ask for donation at hougang point.
anyway, jolene,my,jean and me went biaobiao's hse for breakfast!
her hse is really like a mini market lik that.
ate cup noodles, brownies, snacks and mushroom soup! + 100 plus =D
loves biaobiao's hse!
off to hougang point to resume our duty at 10am.
before that, i donated 2 bucks. my tutor put in 1dollar. biaobiao put some.
went hougang point. i was like an ghost or maybe i grew up by eating glass.
iam beside mingyue and jolene they all but the ppl keep giving them.
i pasted 10 stickers on the tin.
and left with 9 when im back to sch. 1 of the stickers was on my uniform.
jolene's cousin donated some as well.

so now i noe that my face looks so scary/unfriendly.
during the debrief before we left sch, the teacher told us to remember 3 things.

Thank you

i done these 3. but all say no coins.bo bian. i cant be go strangle them n ask them to donate de mah.
after that went back to biaobiao's hse to take our belongings and went back to sch.

went home to slp. but cant sleep. so i online a while and dozed off. =D
packed my bag and way to kallang.
today's match is really against nike club ppl.
played with chris they all.
still okay for the first 2 quart.
for the 4th and 5th quart, the game became faster and faster.
so fast that titi nana and me are panting like hell. hahaha
bathe and went pastamania for dinner with joanne and dominica.
the rest ate at food court.
chat a lot at the food court.
limei,jolene,yuhui,minhui and mingyue went crazy.
possessed by MARY???
no idea. crap alot till we reach home. (:
really tired.
90% power finished.
10% left to bathe, blog , watch tv programmes a little, and slp.
had to go recharge now.
system down.

Friday, February 22, 2008

im sooooooo HYPER in school today!
i still faked out my twin sister! youling!

same look as me. ( of course! twins lei)
younger than me.
she play tennis!( i had no idea why she* choosed tennis =P)
she talks in a china way. ( no idea why)
she wore my stuff. ( same size mah)
she love cats. ( i love dogs. =x)
she dont kill life. ( i do)

the rest i dont know! (:

had my chinese test today. i done the qn1!
many ppl do qn1 and 3.
hope i can still get good scores. duhhhhh
went to the hougang stadium.
to throw javelin! hahaha
1st -MY
3rd-ML/YL =P

went go hougang mall for dinner.
ate long john silver's meal.
walked around the mall and went for my tuition.
i finally understand vectors!(:
i still super duper worried abt it at first. cos during today's emaths lessons. i either chat or copying from the screen. without knowing a thing.
im so much relieved now!

tmr's flag day. still dunno the location for my class. but its sure within the mrt's north ease line.
i guess the location for my class isssssss hougang? i dont know.
i only noes that 4e3 's location is serangoon. and 4e5's location is kovan.
its so good to be in kovan! get to slack super bowl! =D
anyway, had to go back to school after flag day.
for the e geog test! couldnt find the teacher yesterday.
and im having bad stomach yesterday.
games at kallang tmr. totally had no idea what school/team will be playing against.
the only thing im scared off over there is the.... SUN! the sun there is sooooo OH MY GOSH!
had to bring my stuffs like sun block?
cant sleep till noon tmr. ):

Thursday, February 21, 2008

lousy day for me today.
my eyes just want to shut down. -.-'
furthermore, i broke the record of my own.
previously i laosai 4 times in sch ( i think?)
today. i actually went to the loo 6TIMES!
if include the one i laosai-ed at home tis morning. its 7!
i think today's the worst day of the week. because my stomach had been giving me problems since i woke up tis morning. and i am having such a foul mood.
like scolding ppl for no hell reason. at least i ignored it a lot today. -.-'
went home around 430.
bathed and went to sleep. my brain shut down almost immediately and stop functioning.
slept till 645 and that woman was back.
RAWRRRRRR. used the phone for likeeee sooooo long. feel so suay whenever i saw her.
see? tday she came back n i laosai in sch for 6 times!!???
tmr's friday! (: * thats fast!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

ramdom photo! (:

my grandson gave me before valentine's day.

doggy... dun act liao lahhhhhhhhh

where is my doggy??? oh dear

she's here acting cute. hahaha

i tried my best to kick her. but cant reach.

act cute again.....

shot by joanne and me. hahaha

many cars.

not so many cars...

no cars...

still no cars....

STILL no cars!

finally a lorry. lol

reach my blk ler!

zi lian with my phone.....

non of the bus are bringing us to rp. we went there by a mini bus instead. =x

against SJC today.
its a thrilling game?
cos the scores are like sooooooo closseeeee.
we won. 30-27.
the gs is really good! almost all her balls shot by her were in today!
next game is against st nicholas.
quarter finals. (:
jiayous nvnetballers.

went home to change into hse t shirt. and went compass point with joanne for dinner.
ate tom yam noodles. sooooooooo fullll.
119-ed home.
ss and e geog test tmr.

Monday, February 18, 2008

won riverside today.
its tiring game. my head so pain now. my head knocked the ga's forehead.
pain pain pain.

we walked with grace to rp together.
we played the ''mary'' game. hahahaha.
went rp mac for dinner.
many things happened JUST there.
oh well.
she even took a photo of my back. Lol.

doggy cheer up. (:

Sunday, February 17, 2008

won woodgrove on friday.
mrs tan is angry about us not being consistent.
trg early in the morning 730 yesterday.
a 1km as warm up! yay*
went rp mac for our lunch.
went home to bathe and slp.
out to mrs chong's hse. got red packets from her and mrs tan !=D
gambled a little there. my doggy won around 9 bucks plus??
i only won 3.50 dollars in total. at least got win. all thanks to mrs tan tapping my shoulders and say remember to study ar!( in chinese) hahaha.
right after she tapped my shoulder. i got a blackjack nt round!
wanted to go nike trg. but lazy to go in the end.
went to the chalet instead.
had fun there. and splurged money there.
went home by ms xu 's car!(;
reach home at 1215am.
exhausted. =.=

woke up late today. around 12pm.
tuition with joanne and limei by minhui for almost the whole afternoon.
my brain just cant work today. must zap my brain cells nt time! lol.
i guess minhui had went home vomit blood cos im the only one dun understand lots of things.
nt wk's chemistry tuition. its gotta be worst than today.
dinner? its real boring to eat alone.
and ppl had been asking me. at home alone not sian meh?
of cos sian lah. what to do? im the only child and im already used to it. thats my answer.
if the nt person ask again. i will just ignore. my mouth is sick of answering this question. thanks.

tmr's against riverside. gotta defend the clever ga tmr. -.-'
jiayous nvnetballers.
remember, consistency!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


had not been updating these days.
cos im really really real tired.
won marsiling yesterday.42-16.
we made zillions of mistakes.
we were punished 6km.
went my cousin hse to LAOYUSHENG. i can 'lao' till even my hands got the ingredients! faint*
anyway. woke up this morning. and when i looked at myself in the mirror.
i got a shock of my life! my eyebag sooooooooooooooooOOOOOooooooo BIG!
i had been getting into the bed the same time as before. but somehow, i cant sleep even though im tired. i had to flipped left and right till my brain is totally breakdown. not functioning anymore.
im not sleepy these days. but i just want to get a good sleep and remember the dream. hahahaha.
i love to slp cos i wan to know what im going to dream abt! thats the interesting part. ^^
no-link! -.-'
received chocolates this morning. LOTS!
oh my gosh. maybe i gotta gain another few kgs ?????
tuition-ed from 7-9++
anyway i didn noe that mgs is that horrible. chatted with her damn lots! hahaha.
interesting topic which makes me chillllll.
she's just soo knowledgeable. when talking to her, i feel so small all of the sudden. and im like so limited can?

steamboating tmr! (:
tomorrow's against woodgrove.
jiayous nvnvetballers.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


real tired today. had no idea why
i slept a lot yesterday liao.
anyway im sleepy only after recess today.
muscle aches all over. thought is due to yesterday's match or something.
it isnt!
cos i have aches at weird places. then remembered that i played rugby! hahhaha
yesterday's rugby game was definitely fun! play with the guys!
all of them were like so insane. they will just bang to u de.
that crazy koonhow actually fell down with someone else and hit a stone! there goes a blue black. lol.
full of laughters PE!(:
still had to do that english compo! RAWRRRRRRRR
tmr's match against marsiling.
jy nvnetballers.

had been days since i had blogged.
cos almost everyone's new year the same!
anyway just talk abt today.
won ai today. 45-14.
im totally playing shit. i gave an excuse that maybe its becos 5 days not touching netball and a bit blur blur. LOL. okay. my mind is set. ( set on wat?) HAHAHA. dun want tell leh. =='
our dear charine is injured! OH MAN~
her ankle guard finally can use liao????
played a few games when we were back to sch.
went cp for dinner.
87-ed home.
when i was abt to cross the road back home, i was hoping of some accidents to happen or wadeva. at least got something happen let me see can liao.
right after i thought of it.... a mercedes taxi hit the car....right infront of me.
i was like... suddenly thought of mingyue's incident. luckily only external damages of the car.
i crossed the road. and
took a nap. till 11 +++
gotta slp againt nw! =D
its 1237 am nw!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

well, after watching the tv programs. saw the zodiac thingy.
my lucky number is..... ONE, SIX,NINE!
my lucky colour is...... watery blue ( something like that) and white!
okay. i will wear white bra for my competition together with the jersey! ( though its dark blue. its still BLUE! hahhaa)
dunno what to post liao!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 04, 2008

e maths test today.
made some careless mistakes. or else full marks liao!
didn got back the egeog test paper today during lessons. i wondered how i fair.
match against bowen.
53-3. we won.
i slipped off some balls. a bit bu shuang. will improve on it.
a lady talked to us.
my english soooo damn lousy lah. i dun even understand what she's trying to tell me.
she said tall as... TA-LL. like saying 'tile' lik that.
anyway, still considering whether should i go the trials or nt. since my dad is not even happy abt it.
thanks dominica for telling me the schs we are playing against in round2.

chinese new year's coming!
and i had already received my first red packet!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

woke up at 830am this ms morning!
just for the 930am's tuition. *yawns~
while packing my bag for tuition, i cant find my calculator!!!
oh my gosh! my dear dear calculator!!!!! WHER ARE YOU!!???
finding around my room upside down still cant find!!!! RAWRRRRR.
it had followed me for like 3 years +++ n he/she 's lost! OH MY GOSH! if it noe the way home, thats the best! since my hse so near sch.
finally finished cleaning my bedroom! soooooo dusty lahhhhh. i cant believe it! now wad's left is my bedsheet not changed yet and curtains not up. lols.

tmr's against bowen secondary.
jiayous nvnetballers.
the end of Round One.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

my doggy's shit! oh my~

it dropped we put back, it dropped the second time and even nearly hit mr devan's head!

my grandson's smile is normal. but my biaobiao... expression a bit... weird weird de...

shes suffering from infection in her lungs. which caused her to cough to its madness. she gots better! but still must take care ar!

today's trg starts with a 3km run.
though quite long didn run, at least i still improve around 50 seconds? but im still the last to run back. LOL.
mrs tan says joanne pamper me too much liao. play with my strength. =x
thats quite true. so i give a want laugh but dun want laugh de face.
had this weird weird hair for days.
and i had been complaining for days!
but bo bian, had to used to it. i even make out an expression that looks damn hell funny on me!
my doggy laughed like crazy orh lala~
ate pasta mania for dinner.
got many shuai guys and chio woman there! those ang mohs lor!
the angmoh ladies are so tall! i dunno if im taller thn them or not lor. i think they are models bah.
for the angmoh guys, some ppl say that he is disgusting. some say he's shuai.
this shows that everyone has different taste!(:
talked crap and we talked loudly!
ppls from other tables began to look at us.
jolene still say gt a girl keep staring at joanne and me!
i tink is stare at joanne bah. hahaha. but joanne insist is stare at me. =='
4get it.
btw, i had nvr shopped BEST till sooooo damn hell exciting lor.
walked around with limei. we played with the fridges.
that hair trimmer! ahhahaha. for trimming hairs inside ur nose and ears.
that laptop! when u are in the screen, a hat will appear! i looked so funny with tat hat and this hair.
we laughed and laughed like ppl from medical park. ( it was named mental hospital last time)
after wandering around the BEST. we found that we had been PS by joanne they all!
went to find them. i think we played the shades in the johnlittle?
not really interested in playing it at all cos i looks weird in all types of shades becos of my stupid hair.
while on the way home, talked with my doggy tilll soooooo into it thattttt. we missed the stop!
end up in punggol! hahaha. first time sia~

had to stopped here.
time to really clean my bedroom! sian*

Friday, February 01, 2008

geog test today.
i had written almost 2 full pages!
hope i can pass it. i missed out a lot of points.
bo bian, its a last minute study.

raining this afternoon, which causes the trg to be postponed to tmr morning.
went to watch the basketball match instead. they only lost by 3! *oh my!
its a heart attack game anyway. n the ceilings there are so lousy, still drip water de.
n the worst thing is.... im the only one get dripped by.
went back to sch by mrs chong's car! her new car which is 3 days old!hahaha
played a bit of street netball. my dog plays real good! =p
went hougang with my dad for dinner. its drizzling madly!