Thursday, February 14, 2008


had not been updating these days.
cos im really really real tired.
won marsiling yesterday.42-16.
we made zillions of mistakes.
we were punished 6km.
went my cousin hse to LAOYUSHENG. i can 'lao' till even my hands got the ingredients! faint*
anyway. woke up this morning. and when i looked at myself in the mirror.
i got a shock of my life! my eyebag sooooooooooooooooOOOOOooooooo BIG!
i had been getting into the bed the same time as before. but somehow, i cant sleep even though im tired. i had to flipped left and right till my brain is totally breakdown. not functioning anymore.
im not sleepy these days. but i just want to get a good sleep and remember the dream. hahahaha.
i love to slp cos i wan to know what im going to dream abt! thats the interesting part. ^^
no-link! -.-'
received chocolates this morning. LOTS!
oh my gosh. maybe i gotta gain another few kgs ?????
tuition-ed from 7-9++
anyway i didn noe that mgs is that horrible. chatted with her damn lots! hahaha.
interesting topic which makes me chillllll.
she's just soo knowledgeable. when talking to her, i feel so small all of the sudden. and im like so limited can?

steamboating tmr! (:
tomorrow's against woodgrove.
jiayous nvnvetballers.