Monday, February 04, 2008

e maths test today.
made some careless mistakes. or else full marks liao!
didn got back the egeog test paper today during lessons. i wondered how i fair.
match against bowen.
53-3. we won.
i slipped off some balls. a bit bu shuang. will improve on it.
a lady talked to us.
my english soooo damn lousy lah. i dun even understand what she's trying to tell me.
she said tall as... TA-LL. like saying 'tile' lik that.
anyway, still considering whether should i go the trials or nt. since my dad is not even happy abt it.
thanks dominica for telling me the schs we are playing against in round2.

chinese new year's coming!
and i had already received my first red packet!