Wednesday, September 27, 2006

175club study group!

t0dae after sch 4 of us.. me . joanne . christina . pamela . we g0 h0ugang mall de l0ngj0hnsilver study. quite fun. lah. especially the part that when i goin down the escalator. i didn see tat escalator is is g0in towards my direction de then i nearly go down. l0ls. thn is lik the macc is jus next to it l0rr. then the mac ppl laugh lik hell. haiix. so suay.
then my leader so bad. didn tell me. still go the c0rrect escalat0r. while studyin then we still at there eat n change place lo.. ahhaa.
btw. t0dae in schh de science test i pass!!! l0ls. stil scared i fail lehh. wakakaa.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


t0dae is my cousin birthhday. l0ls. yesterday bring us go eat. the lame thing is that while i goin tak f0to .. then f0und that the camera didnn put in battery. then bec0me use ph0ne take. haix. today got the scienceSPA test leh. 20marks. scared scared fail l0r. but at least not last in class lah.. becos i changed the table lia0. l0l.
the table is JINX. s0meh0w lah. cause last time wils0n use that table thenn get last in science test lei. then dunn0 wh0 put my table to kangyi's n wils0n's table to me. end up i get last f0r c0ntinuous 2 test!!! wa ka0. veriii sh0cked l0r. when i n0e i last. ka0.
w0ndering wh0 JINX that table de.. s0 ''xie'' that pers0n must be m0re ''xie'' then me. cause i very wicked de mah. ahhaaa. if d0nt believe can ask any 0f the female classmate in my class. sure say the same thing de..
h0pe my science cann pass l0. -.-'''

Sunday, September 24, 2006

s0 funn!-D

yesterday so fun!!! haha. night go c0usin h0use pas present thenn stay therre a while. thenn while my dad going back. thenn say wad goinn drink beer with other uncles after that. hate it lor. so smelly. thenn i end up stay at my cousin h0use f0r a night. thats y i didn come online yesterday night. we play blackjack n dai di. the best part is we got bet money. but i didn bring money thenn my cousin sis lend me . l0ls. then play very small. i play 50cent onli l0r. thenn still can win 4 plus. haix. then play til 1am thn go sleep. while sleepin we talk all the way . still keep thr0win th0se bears. ahaahaaa. so funn. = ='''

Saturday, September 23, 2006


yesterdae so tired! go eat wif selene then go home. after that we meet t0gether to go orchard walk walk. thenn can buy herr sis present n my cousin de present. g0inn br0ke liao. hahaa.the best part is that both of them same day birthhday. we decided to buy selene sis a bag. then cann0t find. when i walk till sian sian lia0 thenn suddenly saw a g0ld color bag!so nice! then is lik selene n me saw that bag at the same time. then we fast fast go see then the sale girl say jus import de . dunno from japan or korea. lols. didn listen properrly . thenn we bought it. the design is cute but the bag lik veri heavy lik that. ahaha. then we go the shibuya sh0p do the wrappin. while wrapping the i walk around the shop to find my cousin a present then found a MR.LEG. verii cute l0rr. hahaas. thnn selene treat me drink bubble tea! so shuang. stil got add jelly de. although its a bit sweet but very de nice! hehee. then we go shop shop a while then meet selene sis f0r dinner lia0. lols i no m0ney eat dinner then end up selene sis pay f0r me first. ahahaa. we sh0p till dunn0 8 plus lik that then we go h0me. lia0x.
that night really tirred but end up i stil train my yokoyoko in bootes. finally lvl 60 lia0s! so shuang. so happii. maplest0ry.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

durinn less0n!!!

n0w in IT r0om hahas. jus n0w d0in some vide0 thingy. have been doinn all this f0r weeks lia0s. n0w is free aces time. thats y can come bl0g. 0w everybody playinn game l0rr. hahaaa.
s0 siann. bef0rr this jus n0w is chinese test lehhh. haiix. laterr afterr sch stil g0t science test l0l.
g0inn reces lia0s. byebye!!1

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

table's fault????

t0dae n0rmal wednesdae bahh. runn 2km in the m0rnin . but bef0rre that whenn i at h0me, accidentally kickk a shape c0rnner thenn t0es verrii pain lia0x. hahaas. jus n0w while g0inn t0 g0 l0cker thenn f0und tat keys NOT WIF ME!!! thenn i go canteen find.. toilet.... search my bag... pocket.. thennn cann0t find l0r. thenn th0ught l0st it. thnn g0 2e2 class ask la0 ming. then she say dunn0. thenn i g0 2e4. thenn s0olingg pas to me the keys. l0l. minhuii saw it thenn pass to them. s0 lucky lei . all thnks to minhui lehh. otherrwise my dad surre kill me de. ahahaa.
duriin clas verii no m0od lehh. dunn0 y keep thinnkin 0f something else then lik that lo. suay lehh. the sciennce experiment thinggy i m the last in class lehh. this time mus rrealy really buckk up lia0x. but.. last time wilson sit that table then get last in class de leh. now i use that table then lik that. l0ls.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

cut fat huhh?

l0ls! t0dae durrin recess limei n a l0t ppl didnn c0me d0wnn eat leii. onlii s0oling,j0anne,shelly nias. verrii siann l0rr. thenn t0m0rrow 0nwards likk a l0t test lia0s. t0m0ro g0t h0mec0n pRaCtical,mathhematiiCs, science experrimennt! thenn s0 rushh l0rr. afterr sp0rts is h0mec0n lia0x. thenn c0ok finishh need fast fast go bacc class f0rr mathh test thenn still need g0 science experimennt thingy afterr recess. haiis. wiishh that t0mor0 i can c0pe lo. hahaa.
n0wadaes a lot ppl likk g0 my h0use lehhh. sia0 sia0 de. haiix. dad n0w keep sc0ldinn everytime bring classmates h0me arhhx. thenn the biill so highh. cause last time always on airrc0n lehh,. n0w is likk my frenn come thenn on fan only. ...cann y0u imagine that. 3 ppl live in a flat thenn the electricity bill onlli is $270++. damn exxx l0rrrr. my cousinn h0use lives 6 ppl , thenn is onlii 160++ nias. l0ls.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

tiirinn dae huhh?

t0dae s0 funn. s0olingg m0rninn c0me my h0use play c0m a while thenn we g0 f0rr the fulture divisionn. g0 therre quite fun lehh. play s0me games.. n make a lot new friends! but g0 therre quite suay lehh. one 0f the game is guess the person wh0 is sittin the opp0site 0f me or the b0ttle which is pointin. then the sl0west wh0 say out the other ppl de name need to f0rfeit. jus n0w i als0 likk that then i f0rfeit f0r sayinn a j0ke.
ai y0. lucky n0b0dy n0e the j0ke except s0olingg. hahaas. afterr the wh0le thing thenn ar0und 5 likk that . thenn me n s0oling n s0me FD de ppl g0 l0ngj0hnsilverr eat! l0l. thenn we eat eat eat. thenn we g0 J8 takke ne0prinnt. that time already ar0undd 6.30 lia0s. thenn g0 h0me. whnn inn bus we all t0kk a l0t l0rr. talkkin n0nst0p all the way. hahaas.
exam c0minn lia0s. dunn0 wann study whiich subject first. aiy0. t0m0rrow maybe start studyinn mathhematics. cause i last half yearr faill lehh. haiix. thiis 2 week MUST jiay0u lia0s.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


t0dae s0 damnn b0rinn. wh0le dae stay at h0me lehh. play maple then change to auditi0n then change to maple then change n change again . first time play til so l0ng n b0rin. jus n0w play maple til sleep then my p0or characterr die. aiy0-
thennn trainn bacc til 60% then st0p lia0x. so difficult lvl. thenn nob0dy train me! so damn sian de lorr. haiix.
t0dae siann till visit a lot bl0g thenn go linkk l0.. hahas.
n0w busy lia0x. hu hu ha ha ha!


yesterdae s0 shuang! cause dad brinng me g0 supermarket! thenn buy a lot things lorr. buy 55 items in all!!! g0t a l0t things lehh.
3 packs n0odle
beryl'salmond milk choco
HL milk x2
sesame oil
oyster sauce
nestle milo bar
hershey'schoco c0okies
nantucket milk choc0
egg cake<50og> x3
1 tray eggs
butter c0okies
julie's peanut pack
c0rn flour
almond crunchy
riceball red bean
riceball sesame
spare rib
d0ux cheese ckn franks
narcissus spiced cubes x5
narcissus stewed p0rk ch0p x2
dawn sweetener
red bull
narcissus p0rk/mushr0om x2
h0sen l0ngan
vegetable x3
unicurd silken t0fu x2
beijing cabbage
k0tex S&S
all t0gethher ish 122.75 lehh. l0ls . everytime onlii buy till 70+
this time s0 pr0. buy til 100++

exams c0minn lia0x.

exam c0minn lia0x lehh. so siann. the dates gettinn nearerr n nearerr. 2909'06 start lia0. till 161o'06 then finishh the wh0le thing.
290906 english
051006 chinese
091906 ge0rgraphy
101006 mathematics
111006 literature
121006 science
131006 h0mec0n
n last...
161o06 music

timetables f0rr tw0express

scaredd scared lehh. scared fail englishh. m0st imp0rtant subject lehh.. if fail then die lia0x. wishh myself pass all subject wif flying c0l0rs! l0ls. lame lahh.
this time i h0mec0nn c0ok beeh0on againn. s0 b0rinn. last year i als0 c0ok beehoon. thenn get full marks. so shuang. this time surre veri difficult get full marks de. as f0r my beeh0on i will makke creati0ns to it lo. likk niicely cutted carr0t, cucumberr n m0rre. l0ls. dun say lia0x . later ppl c0py . hahaaas

Friday, September 15, 2006


lols. t0dae in schh then first thinng to do is rushh h0mew0rkk lia0x. hahaas. the science. haiix. t0dae th0ught afterr schh de netball traininn wif teacherrs w0uld be funn. end up lehh? didnn traiin because 0f th0se stupiid rain!!! if didnn raiin thenn can go traiin lia0x l0rr. cause havenn traiin wif teachhers bef0rre mahh. s0oling n j0anne als0 verii l0ok f0rward to it de. thenn when ar0und 2pm mingyue call me say traiinin cancelled!!! thenn bec0me verii sian. cause at 1 plus mi joanne n sooling alr change 0ut our unif0rm int0 pe attire lia0 lehh. thenn then up say trainin cancelled. so sian lia0x.


t0ddae in class quite b0rinng lahs. onlii durinn IT la. that stupiid marcus'i' 's c0m no keyb0ard then go sharre wif andy. thenn can go sharre. but he so purposely lorr. sit till so tall bl0ck my view. then s0mem0rre n0t listennin at all lorr. makk til i n winnie cann0t see the dem0strati0n 0f th0se vide0 editinn de thingg. aiy0. t0dae durrinn class s0 n0iisy.. 0nlii last peri0d is free de cause mrs sankarr didn c0me. betterr thenn dun haf lahhhs. hahaas.
t0m0rr0w dunn0 g0t wat thinn. at 12.o5pm. a siren rinngin f0rr c0ntinuous 1 min. thenn dun0 read wadd msg. lame l0rr. we endinn less0n at 12.10 lehh. thenn 12.o5 ring til 12.o6 then say the msg. then sh0ud be jus nice 12.10 lia0 bahh. tml maybe g0t trainin leh. but wiif teachherrs! surre verii funn derr. ho ho ha ha ha!
n0w quite happy lehh!!! auditi0n jus lvl nia. cause need 11perfects n X2 perfects n clearr the sc0re. i nearly cann0t finishh up the perfects l0r. phew. s0 shuang. lvl 7 lia0x.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


t0dae alm0st late f0rr schh. hahaaa. j0anne lahh. f0rget takke the exam timetable list.. otherrwiise no need ''h0merun'' t0 class lia0x. thenn fast fast put bagg thenn come out of the class then takk pleggge lia0x. phew-.-'''
durrinn class m0rre bo lia0 lehh. while doiinn CDP thenn th0se stupified ppl sit my seats while i sit wif othher ppl f0rr gr0up w0rkk. thenn t0uchh my thiings whichh is on the table. lik pencilb0x, pencil,eraserr,rulerr,watchh!! so irritatinn. still go makk my watchh till i cann0t wearr. thenn ask ppl mak bacc als0 cann0t. till t0dae's less0nn g0iin finish then mak bac forr me. btw havenn say th0se stupidd ppl. ken,guanrui,chongbeng,hanyi. aiya. th0se ppl who got t0uchh my thinggs g0t to do wif my watchh lahh. stapler als0 alm0st spoiled. l0ls. dunn0 wh0 m i arhh. i m 175club ppl lehh. h0w darre they t0uchh my things withhout permissionn.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

c0minngs of badd luckk!

t0dae so damnn suay. fail statistic test lehh.. but g0t pass mesurati0nn la.. because i faill thenn wh0le class blame me f0rr failinn. i fail HALF markk onlii l0rr. haiix.so badd luck. thenn last peri0d actually so happy cause can fast fast g0 h0me lia0x.. thenn endd up stayinn backk cause 0f ms j0seph! cause say mi didnn findd the meanninn 0f the w0rrds. i didnn findd cause h0use no dicti0narry mahh. actually g0t de.. thenn dunn0 die till wherre lia0.. thenn end up didnn finnd lorr. j0anne n s0oling t0dae als0 same r0utine. c0me my h0use play lo. thenn while s0olingg playin c0m games thenn we play the PS de wheel0f0rtunne. i didnn winn l0rr. j0anne keep winninn. l0ls .
t0dae n0t a lucky daee la. thnn pamela n christ t0dae still sc0ld me n0t g0inn f0rr the 175club meetinn. the problemm is nob0dy inf0rmm me mahs.thenn still say wann sackk me. aiy0.f0rget it. t0dae verii stresss!!n0w stil d0inn the h0mew0rk. th0se georgraphy artiicles. need 5 lehh. lols. h0me no havv engglishh newspapper.

n0t muchh.

t0dae so lucky!! all teachherrs t0dae diidnn c0llect h0mew0rkk fr0m us.. except the literaturre teachherrr. stil say if didnn pss up then late 1 dae minus 2 markks. sia0x sia0 de l0rr. . todae als0 kinnda suay cus t0dae wan go KFC wif soolingg n sheeley derr. cauuse verrii l0ng didnn eat lia0x. then whenn we reacch therre then saw a sign. renovatiion fr0m 11sep to 18sep. s0rrie f0rr anii inconvenience. wa ka0! thenn end up eat Macdonald. s0 expensiive. t0dae still rushh a lot h0mew0rk in schh lorr. lucky mrs tan didnn come. thenn got 3 free peri0ds. can fast fast finnishh up all the h0lidae hw. hannd n0w beri paiin!
n0w so tiirred. g0 sleep lia0s.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

openins of 高人一等__ 175 CLUB

this is h0w the 175 CLUB starts. while all netballers were walking to the LRT stati0n fr0m sch0ol.. i was walking with christina infr0nt n start t0kin abt 0ur height then j0anne j0ined inn our conversati0n. thenn as 3 of us werre waitin the train. we saw pamela walking alone then we asked her if she wan to j0in our ClUB or n0t. then she accepts!our club were name 175CLUb as 4 of us's average height is 175cm!! mi is 178cm f0loed by christiina 176cm, j0anne 174cm n pamela 172cm. we have selected ourr leader of the CLUB is j0anne. 4 of us celebratedd the CLUB's 0penningg at pizza hut!! pe0ple wh0 wants t0 j0in ourr CLUB must be 170cm n abv!