c0minngs of badd luckk!
t0dae so damnn suay. fail statistic test lehh.. but g0t pass mesurati0nn la.. because i faill thenn wh0le class blame me f0rr failinn. i fail HALF markk onlii l0rr. haiix.so badd luck. thenn last peri0d actually so happy cause can fast fast g0 h0me lia0x.. thenn endd up stayinn backk cause 0f ms j0seph! cause say mi didnn findd the meanninn 0f the w0rrds. i didnn findd cause h0use no dicti0narry mahh. actually g0t de.. thenn dunn0 die till wherre lia0.. thenn end up didnn finnd lorr. j0anne n s0oling t0dae als0 same r0utine. c0me my h0use play lo. thenn while s0olingg playin c0m games thenn we play the PS de wheel0f0rtunne. i didnn winn l0rr. j0anne keep winninn. l0ls .
t0dae n0t a lucky daee la. thnn pamela n christ t0dae still sc0ld me n0t g0inn f0rr the 175club meetinn. the problemm is nob0dy inf0rmm me mahs.thenn still say wann sackk me. aiy0.f0rget it. t0dae verii stresss!!n0w stil d0inn the h0mew0rk. th0se georgraphy artiicles. need 5 lehh. lols. h0me no havv engglishh newspapper.
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