exams c0minn lia0x.
exam c0minn lia0x lehh. so siann. the dates gettinn nearerr n nearerr. 2909'06 start lia0. till 161o'06 then finishh the wh0le thing.
290906 english
051006 chinese
091906 ge0rgraphy
101006 mathematics
111006 literature
121006 science
131006 h0mec0n
n last...
161o06 music
timetables f0rr tw0express
scaredd scared lehh. scared fail englishh. m0st imp0rtant subject lehh.. if fail then die lia0x. wishh myself pass all subject wif flying c0l0rs! l0ls. lame lahh.
this time i h0mec0nn c0ok beeh0on againn. s0 b0rinn. last year i als0 c0ok beehoon. thenn get full marks. so shuang. this time surre veri difficult get full marks de. as f0r my beeh0on i will makke creati0ns to it lo. likk niicely cutted carr0t, cucumberr n m0rre. l0ls. dun say lia0x . later ppl c0py . hahaaas
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