t0dae is my cousin birthhday. l0ls. yesterday bring us go eat. the lame thing is that while i goin tak f0to .. then f0und that the camera didnn put in battery. then bec0me use ph0ne take. haix. today got the scienceSPA test leh. 20marks. scared scared fail l0r. but at least not last in class lah.. becos i changed the table lia0. l0l.
the table is JINX. s0meh0w lah. cause last time wils0n use that table thenn get last in science test lei. then dunn0 wh0 put my table to kangyi's n wils0n's table to me. end up i get last f0r c0ntinuous 2 test!!! wa ka0. veriii sh0cked l0r. when i n0e i last. ka0.
w0ndering wh0 JINX that table de.. s0 ''xie'' that pers0n must be m0re ''xie'' then me. cause i very wicked de mah. ahhaaa. if d0nt believe can ask any 0f the female classmate in my class. sure say the same thing de..
h0pe my science cann pass l0. -.-'''
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