Wednesday, September 13, 2006


t0dae alm0st late f0rr schh. hahaaa. j0anne lahh. f0rget takke the exam timetable list.. otherrwiise no need ''h0merun'' t0 class lia0x. thenn fast fast put bagg thenn come out of the class then takk pleggge lia0x. phew-.-'''
durrinn class m0rre bo lia0 lehh. while doiinn CDP thenn th0se stupified ppl sit my seats while i sit wif othher ppl f0rr gr0up w0rkk. thenn t0uchh my thiings whichh is on the table. lik pencilb0x, pencil,eraserr,rulerr,watchh!! so irritatinn. still go makk my watchh till i cann0t wearr. thenn ask ppl mak bacc als0 cann0t. till t0dae's less0nn g0iin finish then mak bac forr me. btw havenn say th0se stupidd ppl. ken,guanrui,chongbeng,hanyi. aiya. th0se ppl who got t0uchh my thinggs g0t to do wif my watchh lahh. stapler als0 alm0st spoiled. l0ls. dunn0 wh0 m i arhh. i m 175club ppl lehh. h0w darre they t0uchh my things withhout permissionn.