photos from my phone
me and my laopo. Lol.
cheryl and chairman jean!
ready to eat!
she looks like giant going to conquer the food...
saw cheryl and esther?
limei's natural looks! hahahaha and 1 word for layhoe - retard!
lh was trying to hide away from the picture. she failed.
she's definitely READY! hahaha
photos from cheryl's phone.


jean took the photo and her face gone! -.-'


light? it was behind jolene they all.

whats with limei?

limei, u win. u are taller! happy?


a ghost floated behind....
lunched at white tangerine.
with jean, layhoe,jolene,limei and esther.
the food are tasty. i didn regret eating it. (:
those some things happened over there.
its had been resolved.
went rachel hse for the TIRAMISU!~~
i forgot to take photo of it. -.-'
btw, i became a 2 hands shooter now. -.-''
its a kind of complicated.
i feeeel so damn ashamed of myself after taking to wan ting.
she actually said that 10 year series questions are EASY!
i kept quiet....
gotta word hard?
or maybe i should ask help from her?
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