Tuesday, January 08, 2008

took height and weight today.
well, at least i got less by 1kg
but my height went down to 178!
4get it. i noe this is the max i can get.
since my dad is only around 177 or 178.
today is also my LAO SAI day!
laosai 4 times!
2times in sch, 1time in cp, 1time at home.
played a game after taking height n weight.
its kinda fun! catchers will have to hold hands n catch ppl.
those who are caught, will be linked up! as catchers!
will have to play till the whole class kana caught by them
the game starts off with lester n mingyue!

chatted a lot during e maths lesson.
even chat with mr aw! abt the recess thingy.
maybe we should suggest something like upper and lower sec going recess first in alternate wks?
or maybe just extend that pathetic 10mins to us.
well, whn during recess, MANY MANY teachers came down for duty!
even the principal n vice-principals.
mr lim said that a sports hall will be built.
super big! 4 badmintion courts, 2 basketball n netball courts.
something lik this. cos i was damn slpy during the assembly.
hahaha. CRT after assembly. its really tiring.
went compass point for dinner after that.
actually wanted to eat the tom yam noodles at kopitiam.
n my their pangpang suddenly say something abt pizza hut's curry zazzle.
makes joanne n me canot take it! so ended up at pizza hut for dinner!
bought my double putin milk tea n...