Tuesday, January 01, 2008

new year, new adventure!

went to see doctor today. yay!
cos in the morning, i STILL cant speak!
till after i seen the doctor n eaten the medicine. at least i have the sexy voices! hahahahhaa
sooooo happy!
went to tingting's hse countdown.
steamboat there. (:
of cos i didn follow the wear red colour rule.
at least i wrapped the present with red wrappers okay! =D
gambled a bit.
won enough to pay for tat steamboat! (:
all thanks to my son and my dog..
财神到! hahaha
so glad that my grandson bought back liang cha for me! although it is super awful to drink.
and tingting too! bought me the water! and the sweet for sore throat de. i suppose.
ate 2 of the sweet. btw, i 4get to bring the sweet home! =='

actually my dad finally brought me to the doctor cos sch opening liao mah. cant be like... sch open thn cant speak on the first day! =='

my toe is still fat! =='
gotta chiong hw tmr huh??