Thursday, January 03, 2008

sch is kinda boring today.
mins past really really slow ...
i stared at winnie's textbk , spacing out.....
late for sch today. but due to the rain, the prefects didn bother me whn i walked in. anyway im late by just 1min! LOL~
was really sian till the last 2 periods. mr devan , ss teacher, came in.
i tink he can be those sort of councilor liao lor.
anyway, i listened to his talked for almost 1hr. n i didn feel sleepy at all! so surprised that im so into his talk.
anyway, get much better after listening to him.
but after taking the amaths retest.... i request to drop.
many people say its hard with only 6 subjects. but i must believe that i can do it right!
lame shit.
ran 3km after the short trg. well.. the timing still the same.. EXACTLY THE SAME! 20.41. =='
bathe n went out again for dinner at the coffee shop. not varinice.
ate the pizza. eat it alone. pathetic huh??