Thursday, January 17, 2008

lessons are normal. but dunno if issit i didn have enough slp or nt, my eye bags are so damn dark!
i think i gotta die soon. cos my chemistry arent getting anywhere.
hope that can start the tuition for chem earlier better.
cos if someone asked me which chapter im okay, i guess i had to answer NONE.
pathetic huh?
anyway, during the chemistry test, the electricity stopped. so damn hot when there's no fan working.
the whole sch's system were down! lol
went to see the c' div 's trg tday.
i end up playing centre! HAHAHAHAHAA
first time in my 4 years, i tink.
went home at 530 to prevent my dad from nagging. =D
arent having dinner at home. going amk for dinner instead! =p