Tuesday, January 15, 2008

from 4 matches to 6 matches?????
today, ONCE AGAIN.
we played till the a few mins of second quart. n the lightning came, n we had to stop the game.
we played better than yesterday. ( i supposed)
due to the rain+lightning, the match had to be postponed.
due to the match that had been postponed, the chemistry test is being postponed too!

had PE today.
played rugby! so damn funny lahhh.
ppl got the ball n ran silently. when i got the ball, i ran n scream throughout the run!hahahaa
went to the aircon room for emaths right after the pe! shiok~!!
had my $2 dollar meal again!
skipped the assembly. wonder wad's today's talk during assembly.

its YCK tmr , jy NVNETBALLERS.
