Friday, January 11, 2008

today's school day is normal.
didn slp at all. ta ta~
went to TP after sch.
saw jodine there. she is in the integrated facility design and management.
walked around the whole TP!
went to eat first! ate the pork chop. NICE! but stil tink my dad's pork chop is better.
only 2.60 bucks. so cheap. n the size of the pork chop isnt small too!
after that we went from business 's cafe to the mushroom. ( they call it mushroom. cos it has a mushroom shape)
asked joanne they all go see the performance. at first i thought was some kind of hip hop dance those type. end up is the ppl fighting around. ...
so i end up walked around the humanities and social studies side. kellynn followed me too!
someone dragged us to learn jap. end up both of us standing there learning part of the greetings.
to see engineering section.
somehow we walked in there. so we start from there.
engineering part is kinda big, we took more than 1/2 to walk just that area!
went to design after that.
almost all of us were not interested in designs. except kellynn. so we accompanied her walked around the design section! (:
after that we went to the applied science section.
im not interested in most of it and ended up dragging joanne to the veterinary technology part.
cos i noe she's interested in that.
i tried to scare the mice that is in the cage! but somehow, its still doing its normal stuffs like it didn saw me at all! lol.
see bits of the IT. that ppl give a short introduction abt IT. n ask if anyone is interested. no one answers, thn tat guy says that it! =='
finally we saw our graduated seniors! they are in business section!
went to have a gd look around! i tink im kinda interested in the business section alr.
we even went to the talk! the business's next TOP MODEL! lol.
that talk was fun! i even won a prize! its a mouse. i mean the mouse we used for com. de.
thats the first question. they ask how many courses are there in business sch.
for no reason, i raised my hands up almost immediately n answer the question. hahaha.
cabbed back to sch right after the talk.
buy newspaper from econ.