brownie! the eye turn red due to the flashlight.

walked passed a place that sell lots of different parrots! i managed to take the photo of it secretly. =D

stop moving!

guinea pig watchs tv shows! ahahh

grabbed by me. (: lion style.

sniff sniff, OH, this is DEAR meiling's hand! hahaha

what the cloud was trying to tell us?

see carefully/ hahah

my beloved chocolate cream chip!

i was unable to take a clearer photo cos i was laughing like crazy and my hand shakes. lol

the main character, minhui, not forgetting chris too! hahah

2 twist from mh.

talk until so happy arh! hahah

doing the same stuffs worrrr! =P

my foot and joanne's =D
today is such a bad day!
morning wasn't pleasant.
afternoon was bad.
evening , something bad happened.
night, mh,chris psycho-ed me.
in a nutshell, TODAY IS A BAD BAD DAY! ):
its okay. its history already. hahaha
in the morning, i was supposed to wake up at 850am.
end up woke up by that bird(again) at 7+++
woke up reluctantly to play with brownie! =D
went ss lessons after that. mr devan is such a liar....
he said the lesson will only take 1-1half hr. in the end, it took 2 hrs! ):
is like... when 1 hr had passed during the lesson, the laptop went no batt! hahhaa
so happy that i whisper-ed to winnie, '' SEE! even the laptop also work for 1hr then also want rest liao! ''
END UP he teached us base on his excellent memory! )':
went home immediately so that i can buy brownie's grass. =x
lester warned me that it MUST be alfalfa brand. hhaaha.
went in search of brownie's new friend! =D
most of them are ugly. i remembered 1 of them actually is curly hair one! which reminds me of the old tingting's hair! T.T
none of them are cute. lunch with dad and went home.
played with brownie and i began to take more photos of it! ^^
i kept telling brownie that he sooner or later will either have a boy-friend or a girl-friend! hahhaha.damn funny!
went knc to watch 3 games with joanne. OH YA! when i just stepped out of my hse blk, i damn bad luck can! i actually stepped on something!
chewing gum.... damn disgusting lah! i cursed that person who spilled out , i said i hope he will either get knocked down by car or something. i changed my mind and end up cursing that person that he/she broke his/her leg or something can already. my poor slippers! ):
my temper went rotten in the afternoon! RAWR.
my mood was kind of average UNTIL my bag, dropped down! ALL THE WAY DOWNNNNN.
luckily i dun have to crawl in as i have long enough arms. (:
in the evening, my tutor called me that i am gotta have tuition my sun morning!
i said that i am not free tmr and she INSIST that i already promised that i will go tuition tmr when i last tues only said that i MAYBE can go.
damn angry. i changed her name in my phone to another name. =x
on my way to leisure park centre for dinner, i actually screamed at some people. X.X
sorry for the 'so sudden' yelling at u guys! cos i was really damn pissed off with my tutor!
dinner-ed and went wandering around the shopping mall with joanne!
we ended up in the pet shop and i insist that i must buy that guinea pig! (:
its 100 bucks! damn cute one! too bad i cant took photo of it cos no photo takings is allowed in the shop. ):
my dear son , joanne, got blood infection! i checked the internet. its very serious! pls faster go strengthen your immune system okay!
cos the bacteria in ur blood will affect ur immune system and it might multiply in ur blood!
but don't think u will view my blog due to ur cpu being thrown.-.-'
starbuck-ed after dinner. and even the worker there seen to know me already. aha
gossiped a little and played dj max.
mh and chris almost forced me to turn into something. luckily i didnt.
u 2 are always the best pair lah!
chris, ur ruler told me that she's disappointed with u! she said that u actually abandoned her and get urself a strawberry ruler!!!
dunno what's wrong with tonight. got damn loads of indian ppl! like we were in the lit india like this.
all of them wanted to take bus 16. ):
all of us walked to the bus stop before that stop. hahhaa.
i counted the number of indians got into the same bus as me. there's 47! can u imagine how the smell in the bus was likeee??
this made me thought of that time i took the bus with yunzhen to boonkeng. and the whole bus were full of indians except both of us and the driver. =x its a deadly experience man!
train-ed home. on the way home, joanne and i mimicked chris and mh! hahhaah. damn funny.
copying whatever they does and says. ( not really what they say lah. -.-')
reach home at frigging 12am++++
its 1.20 am now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.