7 Seconds of their life just passed like this.
Minhui and Val crapping.
Recalling childhood..................
the sky was like this before we left for leisure park.
bimbos. =x
smile and wave xD
crazy lah
the free stuffs! dark chocolate cream chip! x)
i was trying to take photo of duck,yh and ym. ahha
grandson's,son's and mine!!!!
i drank chocolate cream chip again. =D
with chocolate powder toppings
see anything abnormal???
keep searching. there's something unusual in this photo.
da da~ its a birddddddd~
it walked towards us( chris,ym and me) -.-'
all the way for tmr's matchhhhh

dun act cute lahhhhhhhh. duck's dogggg
what kind of pose is thissss? =.='
very shiok arh. stroked by ym.....
fortunate dog
at duck's hse study today! (:
took a nap. =x
i didn realize this photo is inside my phone until i tried to upload all the pictures!!!
there are many lizards in duck's hse!
Lizard 1.
Lizard 2.
Lizard 3.
today's father day and i had totally forgotten about it. =.=
anyway, went duck hse to study. i only do half of the maths paper for the whole day! crap lah.
i kept singing the shuo ai ni song which is sang by jolin tsai.
cos its about the ghost story thingy.
and i kept repeating that particular sentence.
‘你没发现我躲在角落........................................................’ xD
i sang till they all of them all not scare of it already! hahahah.
lunched and dinnered at duck's hse!
HomeSweetHome! (:
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