Virgin Snow, Sky of Love.

starring actor : lee jun ki !!! =D
starring actress : Aoi Miyazaki
the movie was out last year. ( i am always slow)
quite interesting. its really funny at the front part.
but the ending is quite interesting .
got together at the 3rd year of first snowfall.
this girl is definitely prettier than the sky of love that girl. ( this is my personal view)
next movie i am going to watch.
Sky of Love.

its predictable.
this girl can actually just because she wants to know who is that on the phone..
can chat on phone like many days.
predictable ending.
i stayed up the whole night!
had hell loads of fun during PE.
captain ball. lester moved with his chair as weelun is totally covering him.
all of us laughed till like cockroaches lying down on the floor struggling.
damn funny.
anyway, cant sleep in class lah.
whn got free periods, i STILL cant slp.
pathetic la.
anyway, today's mock exam sure flunk liao lah.
cant finish the paper. = S
rehearsal after the mock.
damn bored. we played pokemon! -.-'
street netball after that.
definitely a rough one.
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