Friday, October 27, 2006


t0dae g0 sh0ppinn wif my c0usins at VIVOcity. walk walk walk! walk till leg g0inng breakk lia0x. hahaa. thenn wallkk till half thennn saw my c0usin de br0. also my cousin. lol. thenn go eat japanese restaurant wif his frens n my 3cousins de m0therr. i 0rderr a type of n0odle. dunn0 is wat lahh. wadeva is served thenn eat lo. hahaas.
thenn we all go sh0p againn. n0t wif my c0usins br0.
my gugu which is my c0usin de m0therr buy a lot things sia. als0 got buy a tshirt f0r me. nice de l0r. ^^
thenn whenn ar0und 9.3o my c0usin de father fetchh us n send me h0me. that makes me watch ''lia0 zai'' sh0w in time. if i go h0me by mrt sure by thenn g0in finishh lia0 l0rr. thenn my c0usinn end up 10.20pm reachh h0me. at least still can watchh bef0rre it ends la. s0 paisae. my dad stil sc0ld sit mrt ma. y mak guzhang s0 mafan stil need bring me h0me then go bac. l0l. anyway i reachh h0me lia0 als0 nob0dy at h0me. dad stil say wat verri tiired d0nwan g0 fetchh me. n0w still didnn sleep stil g0 0ut drink. siao siao der. hahaas