few daes n0 p0st lia0x.
last fridae is englishh exam. the paperr.. lol. i onlii rememberr the meannin of SETTER is 'a kind of dog'. lame l0rrr. a l0t teachher do that w0rd de.. th0se teacherrs arre d0g. LOL.
t0dae afterrn0on rainnin.. while g0inn f0r the fd meetinn wif s0oling n her friends. thenn b0th of us kana splashhed waterr by carr. so damn suay lor. luckily i turnn to s0oling wan to start t0kin. then s0oling is herr fr0nt head to f0ot is wet de l0rr. hairr also. ahahaaa. miiie onliii sideview (which is left side) kana onlii. d0nno wat carr numberrr. if i n0e i surre SUE that pers0n derr! i m 175CLUB de ppl leii. stil darre splashh waterr at me. . somem0rre is whenn we waitinn f0r the traffiic. l0r. wa kao. now tinkk 0f it als0 verii angry.
s0oling veriii lame. she kana splashed liao stil stand therre ''dai dai'' de.. thnn for me is likk the m0ment kana splash thenn i i sh0ut wa lao lia0 . herr reactionnn so sl0w. . . biang~
suay dae lahhh.
afterr the meetinn we go the lecturre.damn b0rinn lorr. borin til dunn0 h0w to explainn. i cann fall asleep n wake up again c0ntinuous 6 times l0r. in 20 min . haiix. b0rin de larhh.
thenn go eat KFC =))
bttime i reachh h0me t0dae ar0undd 7.10 lia0s. ahahaaa.
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