working in the bookshop destroys my whole day program! -.-'
at least got a bit of money and even went amk hub to watch twilight! (:

to me, who have not read the book before watching this movie, i give a rating of 7.5/10. (:
its quite funny at certain parts...
Bella: how long have u been 17?
Edward: quite a while.
damn funny lah! its so dots.... and see the numbers of grad hats he had got. enough to cover the whole netball squad!
the best part was i told ivan and sooling that i am gonna get yellow contacts! hahahaha.
see first lah. i am so not used to colour contacts. -.-
tmr, mh is so gonna help my guinea pig to cut hair...
i even asked my pig to prepare. -.-' scary sia! hahahahaha.
fifteen birds. ....... -.-'
sian totally.
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