only 3 of us, plus lizhen and ms chee kind of celebrated ms puva's birthday.
taken by siying! damn cute right!
ms chee treated us to jap food! ichiban boshi! its damn nice and thanks ms chee for the treat!
and the christmas present! (:
chat chat chat ~~ our mouths nvr stop moving....
siying, hinann&me basically wandered around the town after lizhen and ms chee left.
and i was super lazy to shop, so we walk till where, sit till where. hahaha.
chat loads of stuffs.. hinann and i even decided to exchange signatures during nsl! damn lame lah. jy for your tmr's trg okay! hahaha.
even had video chat with rachel can! the b'div team having outing at sentosa!
Study Awards+ cycling trip! (:

u17s'08. (:

waiting for the time to pass.................

see the 2 crazy ones behind.... HAHAHA.

yz,cheryl,joce =D


this cake is damn nice! big cheryl's taste very good =D


LOOK BEHIND LAH. i am so ready liao can! HAHA

look carefully at ms chee's expression! hahahaha

its cool to cycle together! =D
see from the right.
simann&me: yay! we got coconut drink! xD
cheryl: er.... i dun drink coconuts...
yunzhen: I WANT COCONUT!!!! !! RAWR!
she grown taller! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
simann! (:
i have no idea what i was trying to do.... -.-'

butt pain pain arh!

we are the last 6 ppl who got back -.-'
HAHAHA. mission accomplished!

yunzhen! we are so hungryyyyyyyyyy!
we had a great day(:
those the pain of our butt lasts for 2 days... =.='
u17s'o8 sure rocks the world!
heard that next year's talent identify card 's picture is SUPER FAMILIAR ONE. hahahhaa.
i am not saying out! i sure wants more of that card! ;D
Sharity gift box car delivery day.

the sailors and us!


before we go, 1 more photo.

while waiting, one more. HAHA

we managed to separate quite a no. of the can foods into different categories within the shortest time frame.
my hand went #$%^&
i carry 60kg can! fingers pain pain sia.
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