Friday, August 15, 2008

stupid pig! actually bit my mouse wire! and now i have no more mouse to use! @#$%^
anyone can lend me a mouse till i buy one for myself? ):

joanne,rachel and her bangs, dominica and her unfinished milo.

my eyes got bigger! =D



her eyes almost drop out sia! HAHAHA

i just wanna take the 'i'm' into the picture.

block with green tea?? -.-

my face! ): rachel??where you? finally! hahahah

act emo-ers.

today was a short day for school. but just that i had to do that chinese composition.
can't believe that xie laoshi actually complained to xu laoshi. i was like... zzzzzzz.
i noe i didn't put in my best that's why didn't get A. in her class, i don't even dare to like ask her like how am i supposed to do all this. cos i knew that i will get naggings and naggings continuously from her. but still, there's complaints. oh well.
took zillions of photos with tingting's new cam! so envy her can! );
anyway, my blog now is really really flooded with photos! took lots of photos in the afternoon! hahahah!

msg to b div: play your best on court. don't let your emotions take over you kay! (:
smile always.
life is like a marathon, its a long long journey!
gosh! i am so random!