see the difference, between this 2 picture? hinann and i decided not to hide!hahahaha
this morning, i yelled,i shouted, i screamed, i was shocked, i was stunned, i was numb, i was hanged. whatever! because of this new stuff! OH GOSH, The 4th Bird. ):
the last lesson, at chem lab. slacko!
is that person dead or alive? we talked damn loud near that area, while waiting for joanne and esther.
who are they waiting for?? Mmmm, Let's see.
layhoe and limei? Noononono!
ta-ta! finally they reach the side gate! =D
i just want joanne in the picture.
see behind joanne. pang&chuah!
this car blocked our way!!!! ):
this afternoon was hot!
joanne claimed that there's a jap store inside giant, in the end we only found this opposite giant supermarket @vivo!
had my greentea mc flurry! (:
3 of them had oreo one.
Shortie AIDS!
i found this gross stuff on my way back to school. eeekkk
see anything weird? curry sauce in kfc?
unbelievable. i was feeding my pig before school. i saw 2 cages hanging on top.
left one, mmmmmm..... usual bird, that 2rd bird. i slowly turned my head to the right, i stared at the bird for 10seconds *approximately , I shouted, 'OH-MY-GOD!'. 'WHY THIS BIRD HAVE LONG BEAK!???' it chirps differently!
i had no idea what's wrong with my dad! now my house is really really noisy! and most ppl said it correctly, they are my auto alarm! hahahaha.
my eyes damn swollen this morning. shucksssss. and jin xia guessed the reason of my swollen eyes correctly! pro!
got back my emaths p1 and chem papers. horrible, terrible, vegetable.
i nearly vomit when i saw my papers. i closed the papers and think, whats wrong with me?
luckily this is only prelims.
mdm nashita said my lit papers are alrite except for the fact that i began to digress like christopher. -.-' she said keep my the good work! (:
but i still dunno my results for lit yettttt
heard that mr devan only marked 3 person's ss papers only. damn slow can!
i want sleeveless for class T! ):
but most of them insisted on classT with sleeves. ): and red colour in the end. i insist on yellow or blue or grey! but not enough votes. RAWR!
anyway, 2 of my chinese compos were out in the chinese creative book thing.
i was like, oh my god! cos i don't want that story to be out. and that stupid esther still can read till cry! and everyone is compulsory to buy that stupid book. means, everyone will have a chance to read it! -.-'
then everyone was like is that story real? is that story real? sorry to disappoint you guys, only some parts are real. hhahahaa
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