*sniff sniff. 'I SMELL RAT!'


&after pesta. hahaha
Joanne seldom do split one okay! dun play play!
my pig took this picture with me unwillingly! ):
reflection of YELLOW!
are you looking to my direction?
' i am singing, enjoy' =.=
sleeping, do not disturb!
I LOST MY SUNBLOCK! oh well, i guess it had been thrown away by some cleaners from the school. so sad can! i asked the office too! and the lady was like giggling, sunblock? er, nono. no sunblock was found yesterday.
no more prelim papers! WOOHOO~
left with the practical only! (;
science p1 today. horrible. i do till i sleep can?
dreamt of something WONDERFUL during the last 10mins of the paper!hahahaha
i dreamt that i was super tall, and can actually dunk the netball pole! WA KAO!
took lots of photos together with the sec4 SLs. lolll. asked our head prefect to help us take the photos leh! hahahaha
fell down when playing volleyball! ):
dominic lah! want everything for himself! in the end pushed me down and i think i twisted my ankle. -.-'
netball court work with b div! i played gs,gd and ga! coollll~ nearly play centre! hahahah
my shots are quite okay today. at least my confidence are back again, which is good.hahah
dinner-ed with my they all. and went mac to slackkkkk. a break after prelims! =D
i tell julia a lot about my past? hahahaha. cos i was too bored and everything. and i actually disturbed her when she doing her science hw!
HomeSweetHome. (:
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