Tuesday, June 10, 2008

today was a pretty good day isn't it?
i still thought that my tuition will just ruin my whole day's mood!
went school to see the trgs in the morning.
i am confused whether the sec1s knows my language or not.
anyway went compass for lunch and bbq stuffs!
end up my DEAR father, EX chef , have to help season the chicken wings! hahaha
dragged minhui and mingyue to my hse to study. (:
minhui teached halfway and slept in the end.
lazy ex tutor!
i was damn panic that i cant finish the hw in time lah.
damn scared can!
i was really performing magic lorrrr.
in the end.
during the tuition, i was damn helll lucky!
the tutor wants to do revision on percentile all those stuffs! which i alr knew it long ago!
the malay girl from anderson sec don't know a thing about it!
so end up i teach both the tutor and the student!
i feel so shiok cannnnnnn~
cause they keep doing the wrong thing and i done it correctly!
they got a shock! i guess.
THANKS to aw aw! which teached us those stuffs last year end! (:
i feeeeellll goooddddd ~
got the AI sec paper.
that's my hw! ):

thanks guys for letting me to remember that i still got u guys! (;
i remembered my chinese 0lvl paper, the comprehension said, treasure what i have now! =D
but those problems have to be solved somedays !

BBQ tmr! =D
i am so excited abt it!