tha napkin esther took with her phone. hahhahaaa.

''jojo's creation'' (joanne+jolene)

i took this. cute hor.

esther requested for this. a bit blurr....

jolene took this.

our bubbletea! clockwise: blue de is esther's . yellow joanne's. red is jolene's the pink de is mine!

the train... can go backwards de wor. pro lahh

jolene posting for me?? im jus tryin to tak the pic of the dolphin not her =x

she is behind be background again.....

dolphins tio jam

the ball ball

the car de...

yesterday's pic. go to selene's bbq =D
gone to cp after sch. wanted to eat pizza hut de..but its FULL.
took 119 there. i didn pay for the bus fare^^ the uncle let me go =D cos my ezlink card no money lerr.. while taking out my 55 cents. thn he say nvrmind lah. let me go=D i thnx him ^^
no pizzas. so we go for kfc. saw layhoe n her jeremy.
our traditions. always mix all the sauces together after eating ^^
n i create a name called '' jojo's creation''
we bought the cars. sooo cute lahhhh. end up there no car =x
thn we go walk walk around n chit chat-ing. n find ba boos.... no business today ><
on the way home. esther took same bus as me.
is like... 1 more stops thn i goin down alr... thn esther saw a ba boon!!! thn she pinched me say wad color. i said black. YAH! im correct. the baboom is outside behind me. thn esther thought i saw it. i not tat pro. hahahahaaa. 1 business for esther. blehhh.
''jojo's creation'' (joanne+jolene)
i took this. cute hor.
esther requested for this. a bit blurr....
jolene took this.
our bubbletea! clockwise: blue de is esther's . yellow joanne's. red is jolene's the pink de is mine!
the train... can go backwards de wor. pro lahh
jolene posting for me?? im jus tryin to tak the pic of the dolphin not her =x
she is behind be background again.....
dolphins tio jam
the ball ball
the car de...
yesterday's pic. go to selene's bbq =D
gone to cp after sch. wanted to eat pizza hut de..but its FULL.
took 119 there. i didn pay for the bus fare^^ the uncle let me go =D cos my ezlink card no money lerr.. while taking out my 55 cents. thn he say nvrmind lah. let me go=D i thnx him ^^
no pizzas. so we go for kfc. saw layhoe n her jeremy.
our traditions. always mix all the sauces together after eating ^^
n i create a name called '' jojo's creation''
we bought the cars. sooo cute lahhhh. end up there no car =x
thn we go walk walk around n chit chat-ing. n find ba boos.... no business today ><
on the way home. esther took same bus as me.
is like... 1 more stops thn i goin down alr... thn esther saw a ba boon!!! thn she pinched me say wad color. i said black. YAH! im correct. the baboom is outside behind me. thn esther thought i saw it. i not tat pro. hahahahaaa. 1 business for esther. blehhh.
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