chatting after finish trg+ eating.
she took some pics of me. lols. me too! but a lot blur blur.
orh orh liao ar?? wad time liao? time for lessons!!
wad this 2 ppl tryin to do????
jolene. tryin to take a pic of her
mingyue. (tat back is joanne's )
minhui again. lols.
she didn notice it.
just bathe out worhhh!!!
she aspires to be a shooter?
wow. blur as i took from a place really far.
eekkk SALIVA !!!
cute hor.
tryin to hold my hand......

a ghost beside wanling??? *FAINT
a game im playin ended postin late.

her na. lols. my ai ai

his bird. joanne's ai ai
so damn late in the night tryin to make a post here. hahaa.
this week !!!
mrs sankar's back ! as a relief teacher teaching 3e1,3e2,3e3 !
as usual, she always call for me to answer questions. she asked me 3 qns today --'
friday's chemistry lesson.
i was really bored cos ms chang's voice is kinda mono tone. my eyes was half shut.
i keep lookin at the board which ms chang is writing something on. which was lead(III)carbonated. she say a lot thing abt it. thn jus stare at the board. she draw 1 arrow out thn write insoluble n something else.
after she erased off using the duster. she write something similar. duno wad carbonate.
thn she ask the class is insoluble or soluble. the ppl shouted soluble louder. i didn shout at all.
ms chang thn say r u sure? thn she asked jayhan or justin. after tat ask me cos i was right behind him. i say insoluble. ms chang say y? i say jus nw u got say mah. thn she say thn is??
thn i give a blurr look cos i didn hear she ask me y? thn i say insoluble.. carbonate??
thn she give a nod n i ask kellynn they all. they say CORRECT LIAO. at last , i M FULLY AWAKE. cos i always answer her qns wrongly or maybe whn she ask i jus stared back act as if i didn hear....
thn she give a nod n i ask kellynn they all. they say CORRECT LIAO. at last , i M FULLY AWAKE. cos i always answer her qns wrongly or maybe whn she ask i jus stared back act as if i didn hear....
finished the duno wad DRIVING LESSONS. (is IT LAh)
keep getting help from a IT teacher n so called mrBASKETBALLER. lols.
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