watchhing spiderman 3 tml !
actually suppose to be today. but change timing ler.
mingyue,daphne n mushh came my hse todae !
we do some finger exercise session thenn called for MAC delivery.
thn we continued the session again. hahaaa.
we play till 6+ ? ( around there)
afterr tat ming ming go fetchh her sis
daphne's dad came n fetchh her. n left mushh n me.
we go audi audi n play some beat up !
my com. is..... LAG de worr.
mushh miss some cos of my com. lagness !
so she helped me with the the bug thingy tat cos my com. lag n finally FIXED.
so we go back audi audi. n ming ming is audi audi-ing too!
we played beat up together. hahahaaa.
afterr tat mushh go home lerr.
thn i go have my cup noodles( ke lian ) since nobody at home cook for me.
BLAHH BLAHH BLAHH. 10pm liao stil nobody at home except me.
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