Friday, November 17, 2006


this m0rninn g0 traininn f0r shooterrs n defenderrs. but different timinn. we t0dae learn quite a lot things learnt h0w t0 d0dge n m0re. haha. thenn this afterrn0on all 0f us g0t traininn. fr0m 4-7pm. but actually start at 3.30+ liao. ahhaaa. cause run 3km as warm up mahh. this time i runn 3km at least better lia0 l0r. last time i run i almost giv up. thenn j0anne still keep encouraginn me. this time i runnin all the while i thinkinn meiling jiayou. LoLs. lame la..
afterr tat. we do drills tat ''chen jiao lian'' told us to do. she really makk us hungry f0r the balls sia. ahahaa. quite fun! we keep snatchinn balls. n grabbinn balls! thnn do s0me other drills thn play games wif sec1s. thnn reachh h0me at ar0undd 7:22:31pm. haaha.
dunn0 h0ws limei de leg lia0x. haix. heard tat she still need stitchh. lols. surre verii pain de.