Sunday, August 23, 2009


went to watch anl last few games at tpy sports hall.
victorian fury won wa. damn coolllll. the shooters from vf all can hold/run! love their shooters. and damn accurate.
learnt some stuffs from them. but realised i cant even apply it now. i think i will forget everything next year. hope they come again next year.HAHAHA
went kfc eat and study.... (fattening... o.o )
cant focus at all lah. totally want to sleep and stone. or i have to munch on seaweeds damn long before i start studying again can. zzz
bought crystal jade's bread! damn funny! everyone waits for 830 then got at least 20% off! omg lah! damn obvious. everyone queue up without going the counter!what the hell can.
not bad lah. singaporeans what. HAHA.
that stupid guitar girl! niao niao one! rawr