Wednesday, January 21, 2009

sleepless mornings):

that bloody construction at the school! really makes me SLEEPLESS! @#$%^&*
bloody hell! why choose 8PLUS??? it had been 3-4 days already can! WA LAO. and the best part is... they stop at 11plus. SHIT THEM LAH. I THINK i have to scold/complain them here EVERY single day lah. ah! shittttt. .
had breakfast with the juniors. (;
then went do that hair treatment with my dad at amk.
damn funny can. my dad's hair so little already still need treatment! *waste money! HAHA
he asked me along too so, i went. but the stupid condition was to pay 10bucks. -.-' super lame one can.
and my fringe is like... WEIRD. ):
yunzhen still asked me to dye my hair red! and wear cap when in bus! hahahaha. i will dye it when i earn some money=.='
rushed back to sch to support the juniors.
they won marsiling, but lousy play. 35-18 i think.
went back home immediately, and continue that spring cleaning. -.-'
clean that damn living room till zzzzzzzzzz.
changed my bedsheet.... and went dinner at ... 9pm!!!??? wth, so damn late can! fish&chip... and! damn freaking irritating thing was... while i was eating, my dad's friend was like... asking me to stop netball, who hates sports lah. and he mistaken me, still thought i play basketball can. -.-'
he was like saying, unless u can play till like dunno what ming ah( yao ming), or else dun play. i was like... oh, ok, oh... ok. cant eat my delicious fish&chip (botak jones) in peace!

meeting HA to watch the west zone match tmr(:
and tmr's long run! ): goodluck man.