Saturday, November 15, 2008

cant blog last night cos my com. CMI.
nike trg last night. tag game! ;D

went all the way to ccab for trg. *sian.
we were like having some kind of 2 days 1 night camp lah. bring lots of shirts. -.-'
after that ym and i went leisure park TO wander around. we had nth to do, so we had a donut and sleep ;D
cubs vs blaze flame today,
though we won 40-30
i played like total crap. but i feel happy that i can work with charine again. =D
i think the gk+gs sure hate me, cos i keep pushing them. PUSH PUSH PUSH. paisae lah, i cant control myself well today. shall improve on that.
well, no use dwelling all over the mistakes i had made.
continue and correct it! and those shots, oh shit. my heels so dont cooperate one! haha...

i saw ira! super long no seeee!!! she smacked my arms. damn pain lor! hahahaha.
the NIKE OUTING to chinatown was a FAILURE.
end up it really like NV outing. SPEECHLESS.
dinnered, shopped around end up missing with chris.
we ate the delicious sweet potato too! =D
wandering around againnnnn~