the difference is a lotttt. haahhaha

i took it during maths lessons. (:
edited by jiaqi.
tiring and YET slacky dayyy.
slack in a way that...
for e.g
during chinese lesson.
it was supposed to go through the chinese paper instead of saying about our school ghost stories and other stuffs. hahaha. but i enjoyed it. -.-'
and btw, JERMAIN, helped us to have a FREE 1 PERIOD of chinese yesterday.
cos her stomach dunno cramp or something and heard that she even vomitted around spiral staircase there? but i was too lazy to get out of the class. ahhaha.
and today, she's back NORMAL. hahahahaha.
*i talked about you liao. happy?
tiring part is today is a long longgggggggg dayy!
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