Thursday, July 03, 2008

so siannnnn. when i found out that mr chan didn't come to school today.
cos today got his CDP lesson! which i was looking forward to it very much.
after that joanne came to my hse awhile and i left for sports school while she went home.
met cheryl and michelle surprisingly while waiting for 900a. (:
stoned outside the auditorium reading my lit bk and destress by playing psp.
SAW BABY LIZARD ON COURT! does that lizard want to play netball too?? hahaha
i nearly stepped on it when some of us were trying to stamp our feet on the floor to scare it out of court.
dunno whether it had sucessfully ran away or it had already been killed by one of us! ahhaha
oh well, my stamina is running LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW.~
going malaysia nt month=D
so excited about it. but hinann and ira won't be going
i dun care, i gotta clear my prelims and leave in peaceeee. hahaha

i think i twisted my ankle. ahha
i feel weird weird oneeeee. -.='
ice before i go zzzzzzzz

gotta upload zillions of photos tmr! hahaha