photo week or something?
i treat myself to pocky! (:
3 pieces sticked togetherrrrr
what the hell are you trying to do??
i don't want to eat lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
i really don't want it anymore, why not u can have it? hahahah!
dominica testing her knee guard.
what are you trying to do? =.='
the oil stain she left.

HEN indu and HEN fu you
after icing my swollen part. ):
geo paper downnnnnnnnnn. i didn't managed to finish the paper man!
saw vivian practically slept throughout the paper. i rather she give me the time that she sleep. RAWR.
anyway, i wrote 4-5 pages full without spacing. and i have not finish the paper! .....
slacked around with joanne.
ate breakfast+ lunch and went back to schoolllll.
volleyball! (:
now the area around my wrist all SWOLLEN! -.-'
went kovan. cupwalker-ed! =D
slacked and waste our time off at kfc.
and domi actually use her filthy hand to style my hair.... ( mess up my hair) and pour water on my hair! i was like omggggggg! -.-
styling hair is.... TROUBLESOME. but i don't want to waste my gatby away. ):
going watch pesta sukan tmr! (:
i am sorry, physics! hahahaha~
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