uploaded them immediately due to urgent requests(:
NSL t shirt. red workout towel, red nike bottle,shoe laces, nike necklace n a energizer shoebag. if is tat AXIS shoebag, i will be even happier! haha

vincent. the 1 who keep blowing me till i cry after 1 quart tat time.><
the first 1 tat burst!

jolene.. dun act act lah

my LAOPO! can see tat she's giving a very sian look.

see the queue? dun looks long right...

see... FAINT* typical singaporeans.

jolene took a pic with cynthia secretly. which makes esther jealous!

see their post? lols.

huifen shooting. btw, almost all her shots goes in! n she got the MVP!

liling. didn managed to take a picture with her. =x RARRRR!!!

liling, putting in a shot!

exist like the terrorist instrud the hall. haha

me n the NOLEEN!!!!! hohoho~

noleen n joanne.


prem n joanne.

me,prem n joanne

limei,PREM!,jolene,layhoe,esther,sooling.cant see sooling cos i cant move behind =x

JEAN! can see tat shes VERY VERY busy lah.

joanne,JEAN! n me

see tat twist behind? my hand^^

so angry can... i didn managed to take a picture with TINGJUN! thn limei they all walked away happily. so joanne n i didn get a chance to take a pic with her! !!!!

took with mrs tan!

no matter how tall im, i m always shorter thn mrs tan in the FOTO!

mrs tan forced joanne to go down!

took a pic with the GD/GK.

i duno who is her. but i just take pic together for the sake of taking. hahaha.

3 of them..... WAIYU! LAOPO!DOGGY!

esther finally took a pic with cynthia secretly. pls lahh... ppl eating thn ask me take picture. ..

aiyo! tinking tat she's at home watching tv??? so obscene!

4 of them again.
tat dazhi n NOLEEN!

the 3 reds! mr tan, mrs tan n huiyan.
OH MY tian!
dinner?? eat till lik tat. dun care lah.
busy uploading all these pictures right after i reached home! phew!
soo many funny funny things happened today.
for example, mac flurry. i said as mac fluffy.
northern ireland. i said as northern e-re-land. lols.
so many many things, but i had 4gotten abt it.
watched 5 nations today.
the 3rd n 4th positions. sri lanka vs northern ireland. NI WON! WEE! so damn happy! cos noleen intercepted some of tat 206's balls! hohoho~.
whn they are introducing the players out, i used the blue color thingy to hit! i only hit when they introduced the northern ireland's shooter to goal keeper only.(lisa to noleen) thn the blue color thingy burst!
OMG LAHHH. the game HAVEN EVEN STARTED YET!thn burst ler =x so i steal 1 from jolene^^ n started hitting again. whn they are playing the last quart, i burst 1 of them again... cos ... i used it to hit sarah! hit till burst. thn joanne started saying tat im a violent father! RARRR. (u too alright!)
noleen looks nicer when she tied up her hair! SHE GOT THE MVP!
if noleen had got prem's elevation, the match of sri lanka to northern ireland gotta be MORE interesting! COS TAT 206 will become almost useless! since she only holds for lopes.
burst 3 of the blue color thingy in TOTAL! 1 is hit for northern ireland, 1 for hitting sarah, 1 of cushioning my ankle! sg de match i used the flag n swing! haha. tats y didn burst any. =x
i suddenly felt tat im LUCKY!
becos i WON A LUCKY DRAW! hahahahahahahah. see the picture to see wad i have won.
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